Thursday, March 16, 2006

C&I 6.5: Temporary replacement for the PDF

It's clear that the PDF for C&I 6.5 is unacceptably large and slow, with at least one user saying that page 1 never appears. I credit my stupid agreement to accept a 36MB "upgrade" to Acrobat 7.0.7 for this wonderful state of affairs.

For now, I've replaced the typographically accurate but uselessly slow version with a very fast, very small, and unfortunately very Ariel (or "whatever") version (the PDFWriter output from Word); it's certainly readable, if certainly not what I want.

I'll replace it with a proper version if and when I can get Acrobat downgraded to 7.0 and get it working properly again..

But for now, you can either download the HTML version (lots more pages, Book Antiqua) or the PDF version (ugly typeface, 28 pages).

I knew it was going to be a special issue. I just didn't know how special!