Cites & Insights 17:10 (November 2017) available for downloading
The most colorful issue of Cites & Insights to date, November 2017, is now available for downloading at
This 36-page (6x9") issue includes two essays:
This 36-page (6x9") issue includes two essays:
Intersections: Gray Portraits pp. 1-26
A brief portrait of each of the 29 publishers and "publishers" with 100 or more journals and "journals" in Gray OA 2014-2017. You can draw your own conclusions as to whether 12 of the "largest" 14 (and 13 of the 29) are different "publishers" or one "publisher" with many aliases.
Social Networks: Remember Facebook? pp. 27-36
A roundup of Facebook-related items from four to seven years ago, which may or may not be of any interest now.
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