Thursday, November 11, 2004

Cites & Insights volume 4 indexes available

The title sheet and indexes for Cites & Insights, Volume 4 is now available for downloading.

The indexes (articles cited and general author/title/subject index) total 20 pages, preceded by the unnumbered title sheet.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Cites & Insights 4:14 Available

Cites & Insights 4:14--December 2004--is now available for downloading.

This 22-page PDF issue includes:

  • Perspective: Wanted: Conference and Program Reporters
  • disContent: Turn On the Radio
  • Bibs & Blather Experiment Concludes, PublicationContinues
  • Interesting & Peculiar Products - Three products
  • Perspectives: A Year-End Potpourri
  • PC Progress, August-October 2004 - 20 roundups in 10 categories
  • The Good Stuff - six items
  • Copyright Currents - INDUCE/IICA and HR4077 (the other PDEA)
  • Trends & Quick Takes - five items

This is the final textual issue for 2004. The index and title sheet will either appear within the next week or so or in early December.

Note that it's likely to be a while (maybe six or seven weeks) before the first issue of Volume 5 appears--but Cites & Insights isn't fading away.