Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Cites & Insights 7:1 available

Cites & Insights vol. 7, number 1 (January 2007) is now available for downloading.

The 26-page issue (PDF as usual, but most essays are also available as HTML separates from the home page) includes:

  • Bibs & Blather: Navel Gazing Part 6 - the usual start-of-volume essay.

  • Perspective: Book Searching: OCA/GBS Update

  • Trends & Quick Takes - Five trends and three quicker takes

  • Finding a Balance: Patrons and the Library

  • Interesting & Peculiar Products - three products, plus short notes on Editors' Choices and Best Buys (replacing PC Progress)

  • Perspective: The Death of the Disc?

  • My Back Pages - eight mini-rants.

Happy holidays!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Cites & Insights: Request for feedback

I've posted questions on four aspects of Cites & Insights on my weblog, Walt at Random, asking for feedback from readers.

You'll find posts on the four areas here: PC Progress, Censorware, Library Access to Scholarship, and Interesting & Peculiar Products.

So far, I've received very little feedback. If you care about any of those sections--or if you particularly dislike them--go to the posts and either leave comments or send email to

I'll probably start making decisions about these areas (and other things) for C&I volume 7 in about a week, when I start working on the January 2007 issue.