Cites & Insights 10:1 (January 2010) now available
Cites & Insights 10:1 (January 2010) is now available.
The 30-page issue (PDF as usual, with HTML versions of the first three articles also available) includes:
Bibs & Blather (pages 1-6)
Announcing But Still They Blog: The Liblog Landscape 2007-2009, at a special earlybird price; also announcing the trade paperback version of Cites & Insights 9: 2009--and reduced prices on all Cites & Insights Books. Finally, some words about supporting Cites & Insights, which currently lacks sponsorship.
Making it Work Perspective: Thinking about Blogging 4: Declines and Ends (pages 6-22)
Quotes and comments about blogging in decline, how individual blogs change--and the process of pausing or ending a blog.
Interesting & Peculiar Products (pages 22-25)
Five items and four group reviews.
My Back Pages (pages 25-30)
As always, a PDF-only bonus section--this time including notes on Apple apologists, buying friends by the thousands, disappearing technologies, the eternal stereo silly season and Wired's equally eternal silliness--and the typographic change you'll see if you read C&I as a PDF.
Peering into the future:There will not be a Midwinter issue of Cites & Insights; the next issue will (probably) be February 2010 and will (also probably) appear after Midwinter.
Might there be a non-issue similar to the fabled "Cites On A Plane" (which exists only in the trade paperback version of C&I 7: 2007)? Possibly. Check back around January 6...