Cites & Insights April 2012 available
Cites & Insights 12:3 (April 2012) is now available.
The 36-page issue is a two-column PDF, as usual; a single-column 6x9 PDF designed for ereading is also available (66 pages: please don't print!). HTML versions of each essay are also available--click on the essay titles.
This issue includes:
Libraries: Public Library Closures: On Not Dropping Like Flies (pp. 1-13)
Original research! The long-winded version of my investigation into actual public library (agency, not branch) closures in 2008 and 2009, as reported by IMLS, where the libraries appear to still be closed. Hint: There aren't many.
The Middle (pp. 13-20)
Another handful of items on a variety of topics that formerly belonged in Trends & Quick Takes
Social Networks: The Social Network Scene, Part 2 (pp. 20-29)
Ten items on social networking topics.
Media: Mystery Collection, Part 5 (pp. 29-36)
Discs 25-30 of the 250-movie Mystery Collection