Cites & Insights 14:8 (August 2014) available
Cites & Insights 14:8 (August 2014) is now available for downloading at
The two-column print-oriented issue is 32 pages long. A single-column 6x9" version designed for online/tablet reading is also available, at (The single-column version is 61 pages long.)
This issue includes the following:
The Front: Once More with [Big] Dealing pp. 1-2
If you read the June 2014 issue, you may be aware that "Big-Deal Serial Purchasing: Tracking the Damage" wasn't available when I thought it would be.
It's available now; this brief essay offers the link to the ALA Store page for the Library Technology Reports issue and notes the complementary book for those academic librarians with deeper interests.
I believe every academic library should pay attention to this issue of LTR. If your library subscribes, it should be available now (electronically) or in a few days (in print form). If it doesn't, you should buy the issue as a separate. Some of you really would find Beyond the Damage: Circulation, Coverage and Staffing useful as well.
Words: Doing It Yourself pp. 2-18
Notes on self-publishing and whether or not it makes sense for you (or for your library to assist with).
Intersections: Access and Ethics 3 pp. 18-32
A range of commentaries having to do with open access and ethics over the past 18 months or so--and a couple of brief followups on previous essays. (You may notice that one Very Large Journal Publisher doesn't show up much in this essay. Its time will come.)What's not here: the list of C&I supporters and sponsors. I'll add the three names (yes, three) in a later issue.