Sunday, July 30, 2017

Cites & Insights 17.7 (August 2017) available

The August 2017 Cites & Insights (volume 17, issue 7) is now available for downloading at https://citesandinsights,info/civ17i7.pdf

The 32-page (6" x 9", designed for online/tablet reading) issue includes:

The Front: The Summer Issues pp. 1-2

An ode to stone fruit season and a note on lack of deeper significance.

Media: Mystery Collection, Part 8 pp. 2-16

Three years in the making, this set of mini-reviews covers discs 43 through 48 of the 250-movie collection.

The Back pp. 17-31

Audio oddities: catching up with almost a year's worth of peculiarities--plus a tally of International Journals of Stuff.
What's that you say? What's on page 32? Overhead: the ongoing nearly-pointless "Pay What You Wish" and the masthead. The last page is short, and I chose not to write a couple of paragraphs to pad it.

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Cites & Insights 17:6 (July 2017) available

The July 2017 Cites & Insights (17:6) is now available for downloading at

This 60-page (6" x 9") issue consists of one essay:

Intersections: Economics and Access 2017 pp. 1-60

A roundup of various items relating to the cost, price, fees and other aspects of scholarly journals, with an emphasis on open access.